[Latest update]

May 1, 1996: My heart is fine, my hands are getting better (the suspected culprit, bleomycin, is also the least important of the three chemo drugs, so I'm not going to get it any more). My blood counts are low, so I'm getting a transfusion and the next chemo cycle is being delayed a week.

May 11, 1996: Another week of chemo down... The IV line I've been getting heparin through was leaky, so I had to get it replaced, and it may need to be tinkered with some more eventually. Other than that, nothing much new.

May 17, 1996: For a few days after the previous update, it seemed like somebody had gotten me a free trial membership to the Unpleasant Symptom of the Day club. As far as I can tell, it ran out a day or two ago, though, and I'm feeling a lot better now.

May 30, 1996: My white blood cell count was low at the beginning of this week, so the chemo cycle that was scheduled for this week will start next Monday instead. The cough I've had for a couple of weeks is still bothering me, but other than that I feel OK. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my doctors decided to keep going with bleomycin (suspected of causing problems with my hands) after all, but so far the hand symptoms haven't returned. Keeping my fingers crossed...